My intention in writing this article is to offer my unique perspective on a troubling situation that sparked a change to our collective and individualized societies. I have not studied societal, economic or racial philosophies, theories or statistics. I write this article because I feel the need to express my opinion in a positive and constructive way.
I saw a news story the other day that as a child George Floyd was inspired by Justice Thurgood Marshall and wanted to be a supreme court judge when he grew up or play a role in justice reform.
Mission accomplished...
George Floyd's death has been an undeniable catyst for change within our social justice system. Let's break down some of the possible meanings connected to his passing, from my perspective.
Say HIs Name .... GEORGE FLOYD!!
George has flo as the beginning letters of his last name. To be in the flow state is to be in a stream of energy. The flow state brings about change at a rapid pace. It moves with the current of source.

Perhaps George's Floyds mission was to bring about this flow in our consciousness to galvanize us to wake up from our slumber and take action to change a society that has oppressed the African American community for centuries simply because of the color of their skin!
Maybe George Floyd's name reveals his mission, as all of our names do. Perhaps we can all look into our names as a reminder of who we chose to be and what we chose to do in this lifetime.
Here is a Name Calculator that defines the meaning of your name according to a numerical value.
Play with this tool as you enter your name to see what comes up. Also, enter George Floyd and Derrick Chauvin's name - you will be surprised at what you discover.
George Floyd's death has brought massive reform in a short amount of time. All the murders of innocent black lives leading up to his death has been building up in the stream of our collective consciousness for over 400 years of systemic racism in America. Now that stream has come crashing into the OCEAN OF REFORMATION.

As we evolve, we become more conscious on the planet and are not allowing these hateful occurrences to continue. We are taking a stand for justice, and what has been buried in the shadow is now being brought into the light in order to transform.
Let's take a look at Derrick Chauvin's name.
Chauvin could not be closer to the word chauvinist!
I find the similarities striking! Do you? Join the conversation and comment below if you do.
According to Oxford dictionary chau·vin·ist- pronounced as /ˈSHōvənəst/ is defined as - "showing or relating to excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for a particular group or cause."
This definition explicitly describes how this named individual behaved as a law enforcer.
Enforcing the law of chauvinism and oppression on harmless people. Driven by fear and hatred.
Chauvin's act is a reflection of the prejudiced oppression that has held people down, literally, based on one's gender, race or nationality since the creation of this nation. These principles are the methods used by the "founding fathers" as a foundation this country was built upon in order to justify murdering and stealing this land from the innocent defenseless Native Americans.

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America's racism started with Native American oppression. And since this nation was built on shaky ground it's no wonder it's all crumbling down so quickly.
We cannot forget our Native American brothers and sisters and all people living in segregated oppression during these protests for equality. Equal rights for all. It is time to level the playing field.
We have known America's ugly truth for generations, it's always the elephant in the room when a "black" person literally just walks into a room of a majority of "white" people and an underlying current of discomfort floods the room. For no reason other than the color of his or her skin. Why is that?
As a progressive society we cannot allow this under current of racism to continue!
We are now more conscious than the generations before us who were too deeply embedded in perpetuating false ideals of societal standards. We are the ones with the insights, courage and power to make a change, here and now.
It's Not All Black and White
I use quotations around the words black and white because the labels of the color of our skin are man made labels. It does not define who we are. It is an inadequate and inaccurate way of describing our divinity. No one is literally black or white. We are the shades in between. Humanity exists on a spectrum. One spectrum of the totality of human creation. The 2 extremes are polarities, therefore polarizing. This is what has divided us to begin with. Separate, divide and conquer is a method of oppression .
Personally to call someone BLACK, which is based on the color of their skin is still perpetuating division and seperation due to one's appearance.
If we truly want equal rights we cannot use labels of separation that the oppressing race used to begin with. It's time to create our own tactics as an evolved society and create methods of expanded truth and wisdom. It is essential that our words reflect this expanded way of being.
In actuality we are all Africans, the continent which we all originate from. If we are to identify ourselves we can base it on the place of our origin, not on the color of our skin. The original name of Africa? We will save that for another article.
And understandably African Americans have long separated themselves from their African roots, adopting the oppressive "white" man's portrayal of Africans being inferior to their superiority, of course this is a survival tactic since of the fearful oppressive race.
However due to the amount of deaths and suppression of African Americans, there has been a wake up call for "black" people to embrace their African Heritage. This uprise has been fueled by movements such as the Marvel blockbuster movie Black Panther, that has brought with it a newfound upsurge of African pride worldwide.
I stand in solidarity with the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement and support the cause.
Afterall, we are one regardless of the labels we use.
We have all bought into using these labels. Including myself as well.
What has helped me change this point of view is to see the human race as flowers of the earth, different colors, textures and sizes, each one equally as beautiful. Without division and separation, we all grow from the same soil.

I have made an oath to no longer use these labels as descriptive terms of a person's being. In order for real change to occur we have to own up to the role we have all played in perpetuating this stereotype and integrating this false narrative into our every day lives. And change them.
Otherwise injustice and division will continue through false labels we use to describe each other. To label something is to judge it. Not necessarily to condemn it, rather the mind's way of defining it. Who am I to define a person based on the color of their skin? This is what started all the oppression to begin with.
I understand that names are necessary for proper communication, and it's fine to label objects. But we are not objects. We are powerful infinite beings. Why limit ourselves with the use of inadequate labels?
We can create one word of description for all of humanity and DROP THE LABELS!
Our children grow up hearing us use these labels then they carry it into the next generation.
What type of world, what type of society, what type of paradigm do we choose to pass onto our children? One of unity and love or one of separation and fear. The choice is ours to make at this powerful moment in our history.

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If we do choose to use descriptive words for each other, let's choose one that is powerful and unifying.
I have chosen to call my fellow human beings Co Creators because I know everyone is a part of me. We are co creators of the reality that we are currently living in and we do so collectively. Division and polarity is limited to this physical existence. Oneness is the ultimate truth.
If you like to go further start your research with where the labels of black and white as descriptive terms for people came from and how it evolved in our society.
The Acts
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To be emboldened enough to murder a man in broad daylight while knowing he was being watched by a group of people and being RECORDED!!??
That takes a unique individual...
Derrick Chauvin is indeed a unique individual. A soul that perhaps made a conscious decision to come here at this time and show us just how divided we are by committing such a brutal act of merciless murder and serve as a catalyst for change.

Everyone is aware that all 4 officers participated in the murder of a harmless man, however. for the purpose of this article I have chosen to focus on the main 2 players in the story. George and Derrick.
Let's take a look of the symbolism of the knee.
The knee is a joint. Perhaps this event signifies a joint effort on a soul level. An agreement of sorts. Connecting these 2 men as one energetic biome of transformation. Black and White. Tension and Surrender. Us vs Them. There are numerous symbolic dualities within the nature of their connection.
The knees play an essential flexibility role in a person’s life. They denote his internal flexibility. The keywords here, as in all joints, are inflexibility and undervaluation.
Stiffness, inflammations, torsions, distensions, and torn ligaments in joint areas reflect lack of flexibility regarding the person’s mental pattern, inflexibility that ends up clearly abusing the person. This person is inflexible with ideas that do not work for him but which he insists on keeping. By not respecting himself, he is actually undervaluing himself. It is as if he were unhappy with his performance and forced himself to come up with another, totally disrespecting himself, punishing his own body. Of course, joint inflammation blocks movement. It forces him to stop.
Think of the above article as the collective spirit of society. Now read it again.
The passage above can even be true for how we treat ourselves as individuals. How we treat ourselves individually affects our collective consciousness and vise versa. This is the self perpetuating cycle of creation. Therefore its' essential how we treat ourselves first and foremost if we want to see a change in our society.
Let's break down a few words from this passage regarding the symbolism of the knee:
inflexibility- Chauvin's attitude and approach
undervaluation - Floyd's humanity
stiffness - Chauvin's demeanor and apparently, his mentality
inflammations - Chauvin's anger and audacity
lack of flexibility regarding the person’s mental pattern - self descriptive
inflexibility that ends up clearly abusing the person - clearly depicted by Chauvin's action toward Floyd
inflexible with ideas that do not work for him but which he insists on keeping - the paradigms of the police force of using brutality as a weapon of control
not respecting himself - I cannot speak for Chauvin's inner reasoning, however I've never seen people who respect themselves act this way. We often treat others how we treat ourselves.
he is actually undervaluing himself - to the above point; Chauvin undervalues some part of himself and apparently some part of George Floyd as well. The racist act of "white" people are often committed out of fear. "White people are deeply afraid of "black" people. Due to our strength- both inner and outer- our stature and grace. This triggers a defensive response of self preservation within these individuals. Chauvin's act is actually a feeling of inferiority not superiority.
unhappy with his performance and forced himself to come up with another - the feeling of inadequacy about oneself
punishing his own body- most likely, Chauvin is punishing Floyd for being black, which ultimately is a part of himself that he cannot accept
joint inflammation blocks movement - perhaps inflamed by anger, Chauvin uses his knee to murder Floyd by blocking movement of Floyd's body
It forces him to stop - Indeed this merciless act brought people to outrage and tears and they are now forcing the police to stop the brutality.

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The irony of this part is that kneeling is known to be such a reverent act of humility. As Kaepernick and his fellow team members showed as they kneeled in solidarity for the murder and injustices of "black" people.
Yet this officer defiled that meaning and with no empathy and no regard for a human being's life turned this humbling act of kneeling into a weapon of murder.
Symbolism of the neck.

Balance & Communication
Within the neck lies the voice box for communication. In addition, it houses the thyroid gland. The larynx, or voice box, is our main aspect of communication with others. Through the expression of your thoughts, insights and understandings you are able to maintain, or disrupt, balance and harmony within your life. Of course, this is based on the understanding that you are aware of who and what you are about. Through this level of understanding, you are able to communicate with others in a non-threatening manner. Your neck supports your head. It connects the head, which is symbolic of the spiritual plane, to the body, which is symbolic of the material plane. Therefore, it represents the need for balance between the two. A "pain in the neck" usually refers to an individual or situation that upsets your equilibrium.
Lets break it down:
voice box for communication - George Floyd expressed the voice of "black" people as he said the words "I can't breathe"
main aspect of communication with others - in particular we are communicating this to the oppressive system, represented by Derrick Chauvin in this scenario
maintain, or disrupt, balance and harmony within your life - George Floyd's death disrupted the so called balance and harmony of our society which was greatly unbalanced, changing this system will in turn bring harmony to our society
aware of who and what you are about - being made aware of who we are as "black" people day in and day out as we are defined and characterized according to the color of our skin, is a method of the system of oppression and separation. However, within this racial bias we have found strength in knowing ourselves and being proud of who we are as a people and culture and now stand in unity and solidarity creating the "BLACK LIVES MATTER" movement
Through this level of understanding, you are able to communicate with others in a non-threatening manner. - BLACK LIVES MATTER is a peaceful movement towards freedom from a human epidemic of hatred and systemic racism. As we all saw in the video George Floyd was non threatening at the time of his arrest, and was pinned down on the ground, mounted by numerous police officers. While Chauvin had his knee on Floyd's neck, suffocating him as he was pleading for his life. As big and strong as Floyd was he did not fight back, from what we saw on video, because black men in America today are well aware of the lack of value police officers have on their lives, so Floyd made no attempt to warrant such an occurrence
symbolic of the spiritual plane, to the body, which is symbolic of the material plane - this act of merciless violence clearly depicted the experience of "black" people's lives today and a cry from our collective spirit in relation to our physical bodies that "WE CANNOT BREATHE"
represents the need for balance between the two - there is an obvious need for balance within our spiritual aspect and physical body in order to bring harmony within our world today. Spirit is showing us that we need to atone for the vast difference between the two. One representing total unconditional love, the other representing limitations and separation from our true source. It is time we unite the two. Time for unity. Time to live in accordance to our spiritual ideals as human beings, guided by the spirit of Love for ourselves and one another.
"pain in the neck" usually refers to an individual or situation that upsets your equilibrium - as Chauvin was a literal pain in the neck to Floyd, most likely causing his death. The equilibrium has been upset in this situation in three ways :
1. our diversion from our true source of love being thrown off balance due to the way we live and how we treat each other
2. The system of racism and separation is being derailed by people and disrupted as we wake up from propagating this oppresive agenda and saying we will no longer support this type of system. In fact we stand for unity and equal justice for all.
3. This racist oppression within our society has been a complete pain in the neck to "black" people. The hatred and oppression is an energetic transference that is physically felt within our actual necks, due to the oppression and racism we face day in and day out. We have had enough and we are standing up together as a society to say "Get off our necks. We Can't Breathe!"
The symbolic meanings of pains expressed in the body is real and there are numerous studies done on the meanings and associations of how the energy of pain and illness expresses itself through particular body parts.
If you want to go deeper into this topic. Julia Cannon, daughter of the great Dolores Cannon, has a book on this exact topic called Soul Speak: The Language of Your Body
The breath.....

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We take our first breathe as an inhale when we are born as a physical being into this world. We take our last breath as an exhale when we pass from this world. In between that, our lives are filled with a series of small breaths. Within this lifetime, some moments take our breath away. The murder of George Floyd is one of those moments.
I felt a collective gasp when we all witnessed the death of this unarmed man as his life was suffocated out of him.
"I can't breathe" is a chant heard repeatedly amongst protestors during the marches and protests. And has become a slogan for this movement.
And as Floyd cried for his mother, we cry the moment we are separated from our mother's womb when we are born and take our first breathe as a soverign being. And he called out for her as he took his last breathe as a sovereign being. Perhaps being reconnected with her once again.
"In Latin spirare (root of the word respiratory) means to ‘breathe’. In Latin spiritus means ‘spirit’. The Latin roots of ‘breath’ and ‘spirit’ are close. The word ‘inhale’ also comes from the same root. In Greek psyke means ‘soul’ as well as ‘puff” or ‘blow’. In Hindustani the word atman is very close to the German word for ‘breathe’, atmen. The same root is found in the word that describes the one who reached perfection, mahatma. Hindus use the word prana to describe the act of breathing as the carrier of vital force.
The act of breathing, through its duality, connects us with the supernatural, the universe, the fountain of creation, and the metaphysical. Breathing allows us the union with life. Breathing keeps human beings from isolation. Consequently, breathing represents contact and relationship."
For years, I feel "black " people have been holding our collective breaths as we go about our daily lives. A feeling, passed on by generations of suffering and oppression. And an all pervasive fear of impending suppression.
And now, with the tragic and unfortunate murder of George Floyd people are finally starting to exhale and letting out this racist undercurrent in American history to finally come to the surface to be acknowledged and transformed. America has been holding it's breath for generations, now as we exhale all the pain and frustration is being released.
We are releasing this energetic build up from our collective pain body.
( Eckhart Tolle speaks about the pain body in "The New Earth")
As I walk down the street, since the protests have begun, I can feel a sense of relief amongst "black" people. A feeling of finally being HEARD, finally being sympathized with because our pain is being acknowledged. And having the freedom to simply walk around in society and breathe freely.
The People
The reason "black" people are able to live freely in society is in large part due to the work of countless "black" people and advocates who stood up for justice and equality during the civil rights movement and all the warriors of justice who are marching on the streets today.
The wave of transformation from oppression has slowly been building and has now come crashing to the surface within our modern times.
So who’s protesting?

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One thing that really touches my heart and brought me to tears is the amount of people of all colors standing in solidarity with the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement.
Not only "white" people, but people of all races and nationalities around the world!
People are finally standing up for black people's lives and saying "We have had enough!"
Millennials are leading the way. According to the Cincinnati Enquirer most of the protestors are in their 20s and 30s. You can read the full article at the link below.
Millenials are the CHANGE MAKERS of our times. One quality that I admire about Millenials is our very low tolerance for injustice. We stand in solidarity with progressive social issues. We will not stand and watch injustice happen without a prompting to take some sort of action to change it!
And changing it we are indeed!
Here's the changes millennials have brought about so far since the protests of George Floyd's murder began:
prosecutors upgraded charges against Derek Chauvin and the other three officers involved have now been charged with aiding and abetting
FBI launched an investigation into the death of Breonna Taylor after local public pressure.
Minneapolis has banned the use of choke holds, as have Washington, DC, Chicago Denver and many other cities
Los Angeles City Council introduced a motion to reduce the city's police department $1.8 billion operating budget, and Mayor Eric Garcetti said he would seek to reduce the budget by up to $150 million. The Minneapolis City Council has made similar plans.
Several officers filmed using force against protesters have been released from duty and are being investigated
Confederate monuments have been dismantled
Commissioner Roger Goodell said the league "was wrong" for not listening to players' criticisms of racism in and out of the NFL
Players across the NBA, NFL and MLB, including Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Steve Kerr and Gregg Popovich, sent a letter to Congress asking to end qualified immunity, a legal doctrine that protects police officers accused of violating a civilian's rights
(Visit for the complete list and a captivating video that'll probably bring tears to your eyes- as it did to mine.)
Our world is transforming right before our very eyes. What do you think about these social reforms? Comment below to share your point of view.
The Collective Unity
In my opinion social media has actually brought the collective closer together because we are able to communicate worldwide instantly! As far as with close friends or family members ... I'll save that for another article.
Due to social media's sharing ability and our unifying bond as a collective being, we stood together during the corona virus epidemic as our hearts beat as one and we grew in solidarity for each other's lives.
This created a human bond. It often takes tragic events for family to come closer together. We are that human family and we stand as one being. Our hearts contracting and beating closer and closer together until our hearts beat as one.
We are currently creating a new world while simultaneously dismantling an old one. As we tear down one of hatred division and oppression, lets ensure that we build one of unity, peace, equality and love.

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I write this article because I intend to bring you some form of solace and inner-standing during this time of tumultuous transformation.
And you?
How can you take part in this movement of transforming our society?
Inner work- in order for us to see true change in our society we all must start with transforming the way we show up in life
Unity- hold group meditations via livestream or in person
Pray more often- prayer is powerful
Any form of energy work- after all, our physical reality is created from our energetic reality
Share your gifts by creating something to support this movement: designers I call on you to create t shirts, clothing and designs in support of this movement, create face masks for protestors or even something simple as baking sweet potato pies can lift the spirits of those on the front lines of this massive movement
Expand your consciousness to expand collective consciousness- visit our page @b.cr8or on the Gram to take part in our 11:11 daily vision of a new earth
Find a local peaceful protest and join the movement
Pass out water or healthy snacks to protestors
Donate to causes- research to see which one's are most in need of funds at the moment
Support black business, channels and platforms- to help even the economic divide in society. Here is a link on a great article graciously shared by one of our readers:
According to New York Post fired Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin could still receive more than $1.5 million in pension benefits during his retirement years — even if he is convicted in the killing of George Floyd - you can write the legislators to have his pension revoked
Learn about local laws and how you can bring about a change
Write down ideas and create solutions for systems- perhaps one that replace the use of unnecessary police officers patrolling our communities
We are the pioneers of the new world. Together we are building the foundation for future generations. That time is now.
Remember Emmet Till- It begins with Emmet Till. As shown in his last name Emmet's mission is to till the soil of justice reform for black people. Emmet was a fun loving 14 year old boy who was kidnapped, tortured and murdered by 2 white men and some accomplices in rural Mississippi for whistling at a white woman. The men were found not guilty of a jury of all white men who deliberated in 1 hour. The men later confessed to the murder and served no jail time. This injustice sparked the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60's. Emmet's story is featured in this documentary: The Untold Story of EMMETT LUIS TILL
Learn the history- Amazon and many retailers such as Eso Won book store ( one of few black owned book stores in the world today) are selling out of books about black history. You can either purchase books or watch accurate programs about what it means to be black in American history and today. "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" is a great story to start with
Research the 13th Amendment- a loophole within the constitution that states all Americans are free, EXCEPT FOR CRIMINALS! Are things starting to add up? Netflix has a documentary about this called "13th" by Ava DuVernay, it is one of the most informative depictions of the African American plight in American history that I've ever witnessed
Watch programs created from the perspective of "black" people- I actually have been watching DEAR WHITE PEOPLE series on Netflix created from the movie DEAR WHITE PEOPLE. I am not usually a binge watcher however this program is very interesting and gives a little insight of the black experience of racism today, as their thoughts are experienced outloud. Based on a college campus it details the lives of young "black" adults and their fight for racial equality. However, this is definitely not a program for children
Subscribe to audio book memberships like AUDIBLE- for access to a library of books
Have open conversations with children and family members- about race and racism in America today, so it's no longer this dirty secret that lives at the back of our minds, it's out in the open we can deal with it as a collective society and move on, rather than passing it onto our children to have to deal with it. This way we are raising conscious children who live in a society of unity and equality for all, regardless of the color of their skin- Martin Luther King Jr's dream realized.
Involve children- purchase books for children to read and watch appropriate programing for children and families
Personal Tip- as a mother of 3 children I know children do not want to be lectured by their parents, they will tune out the moment we tell them too much about any subject, especially with teenagers. So please do not make this a lecture. We are not born racist so this is not inherent in young children's minds. All we do is have simple conversations by offering them an opportunity to ask questions, listening more than talking and offering the resources to guide them.
You can start by choosing 3 things that you will change about the way you have been dealing with racism, such as; I will talk about it more freely, I will listen more etc. For me personally I have decided to not use labels to define a person based on their skin color, I use the terms "black" and "white" in this article as definitive words only. In my personal life I use the term co creator. This allows me to see past a person's skin color and into our unifying bond as one being
What is your commitment for change? Join the conversation and share below.
Although we are familiar with some of the stories, books and movies about racial injustice in America, most likely reading the story in school or elsewhere, I invite you to revisit these stories again as an adult. You may be surprised at what you originally overlooked, I know I am.
True change starts within. We cannot keep beating up on ourselves if we don't want our collective to be violent to each other. The energy we create individually within, ripples into the minds and hearts of the collective.
After all we ultimately treat people how we treat ourselves. Consicously or unconsciously, it comes through.
Therefore if we want unity and peace in our collective society we start by finding unity and peace within ourselves.
When you love yourself you truly value your life and the lives of others.
Afterall, this is where our story of the injustices against the "black" community begins - the lack of value of our human lives. Seeing us as undeserving of the same values given to our "white" counterparts.
Black people have been trying to prove their worth and show that we do deserve equal rights ever since being brought here from Africa.
And now... with the death of George Floyd- an unarmed man pleading for his life and Derrick Chauvin- the armed police officer who took his life away in a merciless act of murder, we are finally being heard.

Demonstrators hold signs during a protest at the Country Club Plaza on May 31, 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Jamie Squire | Getty Imag